Education Qualifications
SriKrishna Devaraya University, Anantapur, India - 2008Biochemistry
M. Biotech
Gulbarga University, India - 2000Molecular Biology, Animal Biotechnology, Plant Biotechnology, Fermentation Technology, Genetic Engineering
Gulbarga University, India - 1997Biophysical Chemistry, Biostatistics, Molecular Biology, Tissue Culture, Medical Biochemistry, nutrition
Gulbarga University, India - 1995Chemistry, Botany, Zoology
School-CODATA-RDA School
Certifications 2021University of Pretoria, Summer School-CODATA-RDA School of research data Science
Teaching with Technology
Certifications 2021University of Cape Town, Teaching with Technology
Good Clinical Practice
Certifications 2019The University of Hong Kong, Good Clinical Practice (GCP-E6(R2) 2016)
Project Management
Certifications 2018Durban University of Technology, Project Management - Short Course
Durban University
UCDG (University Capacity Development Grant) for academic exchange/mobility grant in 2021 has been awarded by DUT.
Durban University
Top University publisher award in 2017 by DVC at Durban University of Technology, South Africa
Durban University
Top University publisher award in 2016 by DVC at Durban University of Technology, South Africa
University of KwaZulu-Natal
National Research Foundation(NRF) Fellowship for Post-Doctoral studies in University of KwaZulu- Natal, Westville Campus, Durban, South Africa (2012-2014)
Department of Biotechnology
1998-1999 Junior Research Fellowship, Department of Biotechnology (DBT), India
Research & Publications
Research & Academic Work
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